The left nostril is called the Ida; the right nosrtril is called Pingala. When you are healthy you will breathe predominantly through the left nostril for about one hour and fifty minutes, then through the right nostril for the same amount of time. In most of us this natural rhythm is disturbed and needs balancing. Anuloma Viloma restores the natural balance in your breathing.

With Alternate Nostril breathing you inhale through one nostril, retain the breath and then you exhale through the other nostril in a ratio of 2:8:4. Count to two when inhaling, hold for the count of eight then exhale to the count of four.

One Round of Anuloma Viloma:
1) Breathe in through the left nostril closing the right.
2) Hold breath,closing both nostrils.
3) Breathe out through the right nostril keeping the left nostril closed.
4) Breath in through the right nostril keeping the left nostril closed.
5) Hold the breath, closing both nostrils.
6) Breath out through the left nostril keeping the right closed.

“Start with three rounds build up to twenty rounds”.

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